Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 17th: Some history and a senior thesis

Today, I worked on the history project again, but this time I looked up things online at UNL. I did some research and discovered more pictures for the project. I do not know if I will have enough to make a decent video, but I do hope that my work will not be in vain.

Also today, I talked with Angie, and she gave me the contact information to a local civil rights activist of Lincoln. His name is Ed Zimmer, and he knows a great deal about the civil rights movement in Lincoln during the fifties and beyond. I look forward to working with him in the near future.

My work on the project had to stop early today because I had to edit and submit my senior thesis to my advisors for final viewing. The paper is titled Water as a Legal Human Right: implications for fresh water conflict. I have a spent many hours on this paper, and I had to make sure the final requirements were met before I submitted the final product to Dr. White and Dr. Cahan. Both of them were extremely helpful and supportive. I do not believe I could have put together a final paper without their support.

After the paper is completely finished, I will attach it to the blog, since it is human rights relevant.

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