Monday, April 25, 2011

March 31st: Commission on Human Rights Meeting

Today was an exciting day. I was able to meet with Angie and Margie right away and get debriefed on the cases being heard by the Commission. With each case, I received the details of the complainants and those accused of discrimination. This experience was fascinating, and I learned a lot from this day.

With this journal, I attached a brief summary of some cases (minus specifics) and the agenda.

As I listened to Angie, I learned about the history of each case and the formation of evidence as well as her personal thoughts about the cases. It is very important to remain unbiased while working on these cases, especially investigators like Angie and Margie. When a complainant files a case with the LCHR, the investigators go through an intensive process of gathering information, and when they are done they will finalize their decision: Reasonable Cause, No Reasonable Cause, Pre-Determination Settlements, Withdrawal, or Failure to Cooperate. The majority of the cases fall within the No Reasonable Cause category because there needs to be a sufficient amount of evidence to carry the case to another judicial hearing process, and it is difficult to find enough evidence: written forms of discrimination, multiple witnesses to harassment, etc.

After learning about the various cases, I went to work on the computer. I did some data base work, and I helped box up more LCHR stuff. This was fun because it is an exciting time for the staff as they move the Lincoln City Office Building. There new location is more spacious, located down the hall from the Mayor's Office, and they will be within the City Attorney's area. (more info. in the near future)

When 3:30pm came around, the office went to the City Building and prepared for the Commissioners meeting. Before the meeting, I was able to talk with some of the Commissioners and learn about their reasons for serving the city. I really enjoyed talking with the commissioners while they took their places in the City Council Chamber.

They approved the old minutes and the new agenda, and they went into the Case Dispositions. All four cases were sent with the recommendation of No Reasonable Cause. These four cases dealt with employment conflicts. One case, in particular, is worth mentioning.

A female complainant filed a case based on sex discrimination after she was denied a promotion for a position she was qualified. The defendant argued that she didn't meet the expectations of the interview board, despite a member telling her that she was the best applicant. The position went to a male, and the complainant felt she was didn't receive equal treatment. (Important facts: 1. the complainant reported the case despite the risk of retaliation  2. the complainant makes more than 100K in her current position 3. No females have ever held the position that she applied for) The Commissioners decided to table this issue because they wanted to have further research.

The meeting continued with the pre-determination settlement and withdrawal cases. Then, the commission moved into the report about the new Human Rights Space in the city building (very cool), and they talked about the recent Civil Rights Conference (hosted by the LCHR last week).

During the public comment, I introduced myself to the commission and told them about my temporary role with LCHR this Spring. They congratulated and welcomed me, and the meeting was adjourned.

I. Roll Call

II. Approval of minutes of February 24, 2011 Commission Meeting

III. Approval of agenda for March 31, 2011 Commission Meeting

IV. Case Dispositions

V. Administrative Closures

VI. Old Business

VII. New Business

VIII. Public Comment


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